Is a white potato a root? - Yahoo! Answers.
sweet potato - Soil and Health Library.You don't need to buy sweet potato slips, when you can start your own at home in the spring. The root end tends to go to a sharper point than the stem end. It's hard to tell. it's best to just memorize these things- carrot is a root, sweet potato is a root, potato is a stem, etc. Improve answer. Contributor: Kenzi. First answer.
Best Sweet Potato Recipes - Cooking Light.Bacterial Stem and Root Rot (bacterium – Erwinia chrysanthemi): More common in. fimbriata): Circular, almost black spots appear on sweet potato roots. Dec 17, 2011. To regrow ginger, take a fresh root (that's one that's not wrinkly or dried. To regrow sweet potatoes, just half-submerge a sweet potato end in a glass of .. flower, the scape would be the green stem sticking out of the ground. Sweetpotato roots are a good source of carbohydrates, while sweet- potato tops ( leaves and stems) contain additional nutritional components in much higher.
sweet potato is a root or stem
How do you tell whether it is a root or a stem eg carrot potato sweet.
sweet potato is a root or stem
Vegetative Terminology (Part 1).
Starting Sweet Potato Slips.